SnowFriday it snowed - officially 8" between 8 AM & 4 PM. I went to work and ran into snow over half way there but it was very light. I figured I could get over half a day in before it increased to the point of danger and with nearly 5 extra hours work already for the week I would not feel bad heading home early. I emailed the nurses to bring in any files whenever they had time - in the morning, as I was not going to be there at 1 PM, the usual time for them to bring them in to me. I got a file reviewed and written up except for 2 1/2 hours of video surveillance yet to review, met with all the nurses and was headed home by shortly after 12:30 PM.
The wipers iced up repeatedly despite the defroster being set to 82 degrees. I made two stops (getting off the interstate, pausing at a stop sign each time to clear the wipers and then getting back on) before getting home but arrived safely.
I ate, napped for 1 1/2 hours and then got up and cleared 3 yards. The snowblower (2005 Ariens 1332 - 13 HP, 32" wide) started the first time I turned it over and ran well. I hadn't checked it since I serviced it late last spring. This fall after putting the battery back in it, there has been no time to "test" it before actually needing it. Thankfully, it was there and running well when it was needed.
SunYesterday and today have been gorgeous sunny days with no clouds in the sky today. A walk is definitely in order to enjoy the gorgeous weather. Yesterday it didn't happen. It was our turn for helping to host the fellowship dinner after church. A combination of too little water for 5 hours, a bit of stress and a bit too little sleep was the right mix for a tension headaches. It yielded to the persuasion of another nap after a couple of generic Advil tablets and a large glass or two of water.
Addendum: We
did go out and walk today for nearly an hour!
MusicYesterday was music day. Jean and I headed off very early for Sabbath School so that I could practice with a small clarinet group: myself, Allison and an older church member who plays in the academy's community band with us. We were all there but the other woman hadn't realized this was the week. I hadn't communicated with her about it last week and so she wasn't ready. Allison and I with some modifications performed it as a duet and by reports, despite us each making one minor mistake, went quite well. Cheryl, we did the same one that you and I did at the Surrey Filipino church - 192 O Shepherd Divine. Allison played the soprano line and I played the tenor line the first time through the verse and the alto line the second time but played the alto line for the duet portion each time.
Last night was Pine Tree Academy's Christmas concert. They celebrated with elementary and academy choirs (who both did very well), the academy handbell choir, and the band which was augmented with the community band members that could come and play as well. Two clarinet players, including myself, joined in.

I had never played the music until last night. There was a rehearsal scheduled at 6:15 PM and the performance at 7 PM. The academy choir did not finish practice until 6:40 PM. We "cherry picked" hot spots in each of the 4 numbers. My first time start to finish on all of them was the performance. I made one minor mistake in the first three pieces including two from White Christmas. The last piece was Sleigh Ride. I estimate that I played about 1/3 of that piece, though that may be an optimistic estimate. I didn't make mistakes to speak of, I just wasn't able to play without any significant practice.

The program was well done with Norman Rockwell painting "tableaus" changing every couple of songs and a narration accompanying. The elementary children were done up in somewhat "old English" garb and did a nice little parade around the auditorium before performing. I expect that Jean will post some photos on
Our Flickr Account sometime today from the ones that she took.
FlowersMy Christmas cactus is blooming! It has done very well this year, unlike last year when I had nearly killed it. I started watering and feeding it daily on Thanksgiving so it has a couple of blossoms fully open and many what are budded up and about ready to pop open.