Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Time Off Is Good

This is unprecedented in my adult life: a 5-day holiday weekend! We just returned this afternoon from visiting my family in south-western NH. We stayed at my Mom's house for two nights after driving down in heavy rain and dense fog to avoid a possible change-over to freezing rain the following morning. Last night there indeed was freezing rain which changed over to snow both in NH and here at home. But by the time we travelled the roads were clear and there was a bright enough sun out that we were wishing for sunglasses!

We had a great family dinner at my brother's house with all of my brothers and sisters present as well as many of their children. It was good to catch up on what is happening in everyone's lives.

My Mom is very pleased after I mounted the "Indoor / Outdoor/Minimum / Maximum Temperature" thermometer that our family gave her for Christmas. She frequently asks those around what the high and low temperatures were and this way it will be easy for her get that information.

We will be glad to be back in our own beds this evening though, after sleeping on Mom's sofa for two nights to be close to the bathroom as well as having our own shower.

After getting home I spent just over 1 hour napping and just under 1 hour clearing the driveway. Dishes are done, the finances have been dealt with, my lunch made for tomorrow morning and I am fondly thinking of going to bed early tonight.


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