One More Gone, One to Go...
One daughter moved out today into her own apartment. That leaves just one daughter still "living here" though she is away at college most of the year.
Here are a couple photos of the 'remains' of her departure (plus a HUGE pile of unshelved books in her "book nook" in the attic - all of which "MUST GO!" - hopefully, sooner rather than later).

As you can see, there is trash to be carried downstairs and outside, vacuuming to do, and a general decluttering. Nonetheless, this is huge progress!

The "next life" for this room is for it, after a thorough cleaning, to become Jean's permanent sewing room and her current sewing room will become an official guest room.

This is the hole left by the "recently departed" 43" Hitachi Wide-Screen (Rear-Projedtion) TV that Beth bought while working as an associate at Sears. Yes, I provided the $$ however, she is the one that spotted it, wanted it, and got a huge (~50%) mark down on it. Jean and I rarely watch TV and we can get by for a while with another one that is still in the house and we believe can be used just fine.
The family room corner needs a good cleaning, just as the former bedroom does. All in good time. We are just bone tired from being kept up until after 11:15 PM by Gram, awaking at our usual time (~ 6 AM) and getting up, ready and on the road before 8 AM and back at our house by 11:15 AM just in time to carry things downstairs at our house, load the (van, car, pick up truck) and then carry everything upstairs into her new apartment.
The "volunteers" took two full sized pick up truck-loads, two long-wheel based mini-van loads and twice her own car went packed to the gills as well. I'm surprised it all fit in, though there are a LOT of boxes on the floor still.
We came home tired. Very tired! We even bought supper! We NEVER do that: Wendy's baked potatoes, cheese, broccoli and Frosties.
Yesterday afternoon we drove down to my Mom's house to pick up a dresser she is giving me which we will put in a bedroom that we are setting up for her to stay in when she comes to visit. Which will not be frequent or soon, it appears. My siblings are making arrangements for her to remain in her home with periodic in home help. But that is another post. The dresser has carved drawer fronts that matches the headboard/footboard of a bed that we have had for many years AND is the dresser that I used growing up.
While down there we loaded up our daughter's belongings to bring back home as she moved out today into her own apartment. The apartment is quite nice and very roomy and bright. We had a total of 5 people working from 11:15 AM to 5:30 PM (or thereabouts) with an extra hand carrying her media center up the stairs.
Her very kind younger sister completely set up her kitchen: cleaning the cupboards, washing the dishes and arranging things in the cupboards and shelves. Her computer table and bed are set up, her dresser is repaired and in place. She even has some art work hung/placed. Beth, her very self, assembled her "chair". Many boxes need sorting and putting away. Things that are lost much be sought: including the power cord and USB cable for her printer. We found the ones that go to her "old" printer which has been donated to the church in NH where Gram attends. They can await a future trip south to meet up with the printer that we simply left there.
We pray for success for her in her new endeavor: she starts at 6:45 AM at her new job - tomorrow morning, as she will have 2 weeks of training on days before starting to work the evening shift which is much more compatible with her life style.
What a job!! I wouldn't have thought Beth had that much stuff....
We've been busy cleaning up and cleaning up today here too. It's been a LONG day but the house, kids rooms and garage are all showing improvement!
Best wishes to Beth. It must have been a strenuous day indeed if you had to grab take-out food.
Cheryl already mentioned that we had a rough day ourselves with getting kids to cleanout their room. Hopefully, things will stay cleaner from here on out.
We even talked to our litter about their growing up and having their own homes to take care of. Not sure what the impact of that was. Will have to let it sink in.
She had a HUGE amount of stuff - her large 3 room apartment is moderately well populated.
GMP and I walked 2.5 - 3 miles to and from the library tonight to return books and picked up a couple DVDs to watch on our diminutive TV screen (21" I think). We watched the DVD version of the IMAX film "Shackleton's Antartica" - a sanitized version of the real expedition with most mentions of their true hardship and means of survival toned down for "G" audiences.
GMP, who ardently disliked the large screen questioned if that 43" behemoth might have been HDTV? Indeed, it was, of course. She museth that the screen, though much brighter, seems somehow...fuzzy. Truly she speaks and the speakers sound very tin-y.
Nonetheless, the finances do not stretch to replacement costs so we must content ourselves with our current lot in life until our youngest finishes her academic career in just over 2 years. Or less.
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