Thursday, May 26, 2005

Unusual Construction

Last night just before dark as we were walking through the construction we noticed what appeared to be a small garage sitting off to one side of a single family home that has had little "progress" visible in the past few days. As we got closer to it we saw that it was the sun room that had been literally cut off the end of the house and lifted off the foundation by a crane using a chain that can down through a hole in the roof and a hole cut in the floor.

Closer inspection of the house showed that two lolly columns, about 10 pressboard "I" beams, all the bolts imbedded in the concrete foundation had been cut with a Sawzall or comparable piece of equipment. The 15'x10' area of foundation is completely open to rain falling into the cellar.

In all my adult years I have never seen anything like this and I am very curious what changes have been mandated to this building. It looks very strange with this major room literally ripped off the side of the building.


At 3:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The house probably has (had) children in it who are a little rambunctious.

They probably were horsing around and then blew the sunroom off the side of the house.

It was that or maybe they held a children's birthday party there and things got out of hand.


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