Thursday, November 24, 2005

Not Jinxed After All

This morning (US Thanksgiving Day) I slept in until 9 AM (almost unheard of) and while I was hydrating for the day I set Deb's computer up to install my "free after rebate" NAV 2005 software to replace her "free trial" software that came with her new computer. And it worked! There was only one glitch when ICQ found the internet and NOTHING else could - including the activation process for her new software.

A brief check of the internet connection properties found that it was trying to connect to the college's proxy server. Duh! Checking the "detect connection automatically" immediately resolved the problem.

Her software is installed, multiple updates done, computer scanned (no viruses - which is good to know as she lets multiple people use it), and her vertical mouse drivers reinstalled so that her (and mine!) eVoluent vertical mouse will have all 5 buttons working properly.

Now to re-set her internet connection and shut down.

On a more sober note (you couldn't tell that I was delirious to have finally broken the technology jinx - yes, Allan, I DID read your comment and am blaming the gremlins sent or sponsored by our dearly beloved Bill Gates anyway!) - Allison is still sick, likely with a viral bug on top of whatever else she had last week. And Brian is out clearing roads during our first "sticking" snow storm of the year - today. So we may not see either one of them for supper tonight.


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