Memorial Day in Maine
This is Memorial Day. We went to the town's parade and the ceremonies on the mall, which was attended by both Senators Snowe and Collins. It was a very moving service with the Navy's personnel there to give a 21-gun salute at the end of the ceremony. Special honor was paid to the veterans of the Korean War today.
The Grand Marshal of the parade was an infantry man who was part of a 399-man strong contingent of GIs who held their position in Korea through the against over 2,000 Chinese who were attacking them. Only 28 Americans survived and our Grand Marshal sustained wounds and received two Purple Hearts, an Oak Leaf Cluster and the Bronze Star for his service in Korea.
After his discharge from the military he worked actively with veterans groups and with the state legislature. He was instrumental in getting legislation passed to ensure that every year every veteran's grave will have a United States flag placed on it this time of year.
The senators both emphasized that the Department of Defense has violated its own rules by placing the facilities in Maine on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission list. Senator Collins, as the Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security has subpoena power and has, with Senator Lieberman of Connecticut, submitted a Letter of Demand to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld. If he fails to respond by Tuesday afternoon she will issue a subpoena for the materials that are needed including any emails!
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