Tuesday, September 20, 2005

End of Life Check List

Earlier this year I wrote that the most melancholic task one could undertake was settling the estate of a loved one. I would like to retract, or modify, that statement because this is giving it a run for its money.

A friend who recently lost a spouse requested that I write an outline in a “check list” format to help organize the process. This list will not be all inclusive and suggestions for expanding it will be welcomed.

Documents to Prepare

□ 1. Complete & Sign an Advanced Directive/Living Will outlining care preferences

□ 2. Complete & Sign a Medical Power of Attorney

□ 3. Complete & Sign a Durable Power of Attorney

□ 4. “Prepare & Sign” or “Review & Update” Will (if prepared over 5 years ago)

Documents to Assemble

□ 5. Long Term Care Insurance Policies

□ 6. Life Insurance Policies (Update beneficiaries!) include any that may be through:

□ A. Work – contact Human Resources if you do not have the policy
□ B. Professional Organizations
□ C. Credit card companies
□ D. Auto or Travel clubs

□ 7. Retirement & Pension Plan Documents (Update beneficiaries!):
□ A. Social Security,
□ B. Defined Benefit,
□ C. 401k/403b,
□ D. IRAs, etc

□ 8. Financial (Joint Ownership will allow access to these accounts):
□ A. Savings
□ B. Money Market
□ C. Checking
□ D. Credit Card Accounts

□ 9. Property (Joint Ownership bypasses probate court to transfer property):
□ A. Deeds for Real Estate
□ B. Mortgage Papers for Real Estate
□ C. Title Insurance policies for Real Estate
□ D. Titles to motor vehicles/RV/Trailers/Other
□ E. Loan/Lease Agreement for motor vehicles/RV/Trailers/Other

□ 10. Corporation papers including corporate insurance policies

□ 11. Other Insurance policies: □ health, □ auto, □ house, □ umbrella

Things To Discuss

□ 12. Treatment preferences
□ A. palliative radiation,
□ B. chemotherapy,
□ C. narcotics,
□ D. surgery

□ 13. End of Life care preferences
□ A. IVs,
□ B. feeding tubes,
□ C. ventilators

□ 14. End of Life care location (in-home care, hospice, hospital, extended care facility)

□ 15. Funeral Arrangements:
□ A. Cremation vs. Casket
□ B. Church vs. Funeral Home
□ C. Service details
□ D. Funeral plot (private vs. military)
□ E. Headstone

□ 16. Reconciliation:
□ A. God - Spiritual Matters
□ B. Family
□ C. Church Family
□ D. Business Associates
□ E. Friends

□ 17. Business:
□ A. Notice to □ employees, □ clients, □ partners
□ B. Pay last bills
□ C. Sale of □ business, □ property, □ equipment
□ D. Storage of records

□ 18. Travel/Vacation


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