Thursday, June 02, 2005

Building Boo-Boo?

Building Boo-Boo?
Originally uploaded by Larry13.

This condo shows the effects of a combination of pressboard on the sides & roof and being without siding and shingles for nearly a month with multiple rain storms.

We never fail to be amazed at what people will pay nearly $500,000 for these days.

And that gable end looks like it houses a 2nd floor? Nope. That is just 2"x4" trusses and what we call "wasted space." This house is all on one floor. The local fire fighters who have seen this type of structure when it catches fire tell me that their roofs collapse within just a few minutes once a fire starts. The typical 8" or 10" rafters take up to an hour to burn through, but trussed roofs take just a few minutes.

I'm glad we just live beside them, not IN them!


At 12:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Amazing. I can NOT believe what people pay for! Though it happens around here too. Shoddy workmanship to get things up in a hurry to take advantage of booming housing market. Of course everything under different "on paper" corporations so when the leaks and issues start happening - there is often very little recourse.


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