Sunday, October 16, 2005

I Lost $1,000

Well, that's what it seemed like when I was working on my budget. There should be more money in my budget and I couldn't find it despite doing all the numbers twice. Spreadsheets do not usually misplace that kind of money, nor does my Money 2002 program. I finally decided some time after 11 PM that I must have over spent on computers, software, and accessories for my children, vowed to be more temperate this coming two weeks and headed to bed. By the time Jean was to the same "stopping place" with cutting out 11 Bible Times Costumes for her Sabbath School children it was nearing midnight.

In the early morning hours I "found" the $1K that was missing:

The major part of our home improvement activities for this year was to replace the front door. The old door was a Stanley metal insulated door that did not have weatherstripping on the bottom and did not have an adjustable threshhold and as a result let in much fresh,unheated Maine winter air - despite attempts to caulk it with Mortite and put rugs up against it every fall.

The new window has miniblinds built into the Thermopane window that open and close (but do not go up and down). This is a great upgrade that we are already enjoying as that corner was always dark and dismal. Both Jean and I have thought: "The front door is open" because there is so much light despite it being dark and gray for the past 8 - 9 days.

We included in the cost of the project having a professional painter spray paint the door before installation and do the trim painting after it was installed as well as prepping (chipped paint due to bath tub caulking leaks upstairs) and re-painting the kitchen ceiling.

We are also replacing a medicine cabinet and a vanity in the upstairs bathroom and a medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom.


At 1:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very nice!

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Sunny said...

That is a LOVELY door you have there.


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